The Tallest Building On Earth : BURJ KHALIFA

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top 10 tallest buildings in the world


the tallest building on earth the urge


Dubai’s Burj Khalifa maintains the world

record as it has since it opened in 2010

so what does it take to build and

maintain a vertical city a lot of

materials money and technology eight

hundred and twenty nine point seven

meters the Burj Khalifa’s total height

from the ground floor to the top of its

spire that’s two thousand seven hundred

and twenty-two feet making it the

tallest building on planet earth one

hundred and sixty-three floors it holds

the world record for the number of

floors it also has the world’s highest

observation deck on the 148th floor

nightclub on the 144th floor and

restaurant in the 120 second floor

35,000 people the number of people that

can be accommodated in the building

dubbed the vertical city at any given

time 95 kilometers the maximum distance

from which the Burj Khalifa is iconic

spire can be seen that’s about 60 miles

the distance between New York City and

Trenton New Jersey

57 elevators each of the Burj Khalifa’s

high-tech elevators can travel nearly 10

meters 32.8 feet per second allowing

them to reach the top in about 60

seconds 28,000 261 panels the number of

architectural glass panels on the Burj

Khalifa the pioneering glass provides

anti-glare solar and thermal protection

against Dubai’s intense Desert Sun 137

thousand litres the volume of water the

Burj Khalifa’s condensate collection

system accumulates each day that equates

to 20 Olympic swim pools

every year

eleven thousand eight hundred metric

tons the amount of ice needed to cool

the Burj Khalifa in devised blistering

heat that’s roughly 13,000 u.s. tons

all contained within an innovative

thermal storage system sixteen point

three million dollars the cost of the

Burj Khalifa’s most expensive apartment

until 2017 when a thirty two million

dollar apartment in the palm jumeirah is

completed 1.5 billion dollars the

estimated cost of the Burj Khalifa which

includes nearly twenty two million

man-hours and nearly 100 thousand metric

tons of concrete forty three thousand

dollars the cost of office space per

square meter within the Burj Khalifa

that’s about four thousand dollars per

square foot three times higher than New

York City’s average one hundred and

thirty five thousand dollars the cost of

an at the top sky ticket which will

grant you access to the Burj Khalifa’s

148 floor during prime hours Japan made

headlines recently when an ambitious

proposal was revealed for the world’s

first mile-high skyscraper called sky

Mile Tower the 1.2 billion dollar

building would dominate the tokyo

skyline at a height of 1600 meters five

thousand two hundred and forty nine feet


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